Thursday, December 12, 2013

On Day 5

On the next day when we came to school and check out our plants some plants died other were cut and other grew and curly.

Day 3 
This is What happen on day 3 as our plants grow grown and grown until
it is fully grown.

Day 4
This is What happen on day 4 our plants turn out to be curly and curly 
because the reason this is curly is that we did not put our seed deeply enough into the soil
Lesson: always dig a deeply hole so that the plants will not be curly or wreak

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mongo Seeds

  • Mongo Seeds
  • Cutter
  • 6ltrs Bottle
Our Subject Teacher told us to do some gardening so he make us to do a blog about Planting Mongo Seeds. On Day1 we tried to cut the 6ltrs bottle a Square. Then we put some soil then flattened it so we can make a hole. and put the mongo seeds 10 every column and 5 in every row all in all 50 seed 
If you can see that Black Square cut it like that.
Cut it with a Cutter
Using a cutter make a hole so that if you put water it
has a way out of the bottle.

Putting a soil is a hard work you need to flattened it so we can plant it easily. and if you see a rock throw it because it will just wreck it.

We really never had a chance to picture it how it grow because our photographer had to be absent due to a reason
and a Holyday had on monday so that is all and we try to get many pictures.